October 09, 2005




why ?

2) Because this is what G-D wants.

How does one achieve this experience?

3) By coming as close as possible to G-D

when do I get to experience it ?

4) In Olam Haba if I deserve it .

what’s one of the best way to deserve it ?

5) By becoming a prophet, the tool of Hashem .

why is that one of the best ways ?

6) Because this way I can taste Olam Haba also in this world.

how do I become a prophet ?

7) I need to achieve a state of Dveykus.

to achieve this

8) I need to refine my Middos , becoming pure and Holy as I do the Mitzwos.

to achieve this

9) I need the Torah to teach me how to do it.

to do this

10) I need a Rebbe to teach me and guide me

how do I make myself a Rebbe ?

11) He has to look like an angel , he has to have achieved steps 7 and 8.


1)+2)+3) Our Sages of blessed memory have taught us that man was created for the sole purpose of rejoicing in God and delighting in the splendor of His Divine Presence; this being the ultimate true joy and the greatest of all pleasure that can be found.
(The Path of the Just, Chapter 1, Ramchal)

4) The place where this joy may truly be derived is the World to Come, which was expressly created to provide for it.
(The Path of the Just, Chapter 1, Ramchal)

5) The entire universe was created for the sake of this esteemed people(the Jews) in order that Divine influence be attached to it. This essence (the Jew) was created for the sake of an even more treasured essence, namely the prophets and the pious among them. (Kuzari).

5)+6) : Righteous individuals who worship with pure thoughts, binding themselves to
G-d through their observance with great attachment and yearning, perceive G-d’s greatness and experience the delight of the Futur World, basking in the radiance of the divine Presence even in this physical world.
{Noam Elimelech Terumah (47c)}
_There is another level, however, that is much higher than such Divine inspiration.
This is the level of prophecy.
This is a degree of inspiration where an individual reaches a level where he literally binds himself to G-d in such a way that he can actually feel this attachment…
Prophecy brings man the greatest degree of enlightenment that is possible for him, because when he has attained prophecy, he has attained the highest possible level of attachment to G-d Himself.
(The way of G-d, (3:3section 4 and 6),Ramchal)

7) One can not achieve prophecy without Dveykus

8) …and to Him shall you cleave (Devarim 13:5).
The only way a human being can cleave to G-d is by emulating His ways.
As Hashem does , so should you…(see Rashi)

9) _The purpose of our involvement in Torah is to inform man of the way to worship Hashem .
(the Gra to Proverbs 23:26).
_Talmud Avodah zarah 20b: from here Rabbi Pinchas Ben Yair said : Torah brings one to vigilance ....fear of sin brings one to holiness, holiness brings one to Divine Inspiration.
_The goal of all the Torah and the Mitzwos is to bring one to Dveykus…the Middos are the foundations of Dveykus b’Hashem.
(Nesivas Shalom, Intro to Taharas HaMiddos)
_Torah is only a Gate through which one reaches the Awe of G-d.
(Artscroll based on Sfas Emes, Rashi)
_The path that lead man to this goal (highest pleasure) are the Mitzwos… cleaving to the eternal alone is absolute perfection. (Path of the Just,1:1, Ramchal)

10) …We are to cleave to Torah scholars as they are the carriers of the Shechinah,
the presence of G-d. By cleaving to Torah scholars one is considered as having attached
oneself to G-d. ( Or haChayim, Devarim 13:5).

11) _like an angel…Rambam Hilchos Talmud Torah (4:1)
_Those who rule over their evil inclination-who have already reached the “gazebo”, and have already left the paths and have clearly seen all the routes before them, they are competent to advise whoever is willing to listen. We must place our trust in them! (Ramchal,Path of the Just ,end of chapter 3)

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